Walking on a Broken Bones ?

Walking on a Broken Bones ? Did you know it’s possible to walk on a broken foot or ankle? I’ve had many injured patients come in saying, “I must not have broken a bone because I can walk on my foot.” I’m not sure where that thought process came from. Walking on a...

Pesky 2nd Toe

Pesky 2nd Toe If you are experiencing pain on the ball of your foot, you may have a very common condition we see every day. The culprit is often the 2nd toe where it connects to the foot. It’s definitely not obvious to the untrained eye, but quite obvious to our...

Fast, Simple, & Inexpensive

Fast, Simple, & Inexpensive There are two scenarios we see every day in our offices. You choose which one makes the most sense for you: Scenario #1• Foot pain present for 6 months before seeing a specialist• Several over-the-counter products purchased with no...

Dry Skin Isn’t Always Just Dry Skin

Dry Skin Isn’t Always Just Dry Skin Most people don’t realize that dry skin on the bottom of the feet could be a sign of Athlete’s Foot. Dry skin isn’t always just dry skin. It doesn’t matter whether you’re 20 years old or 80 years old, dry skin could mean you...

Cold Toes Could Be a Serious Condition

Cold Toes Could Be a Serious Condition There are several things that can cause cold toes. Poor circulation, a condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), is one of the most serious. If the circulation to the toes isn’t good for an extended period of time,...

Different Feet Types Explained in Flagstaff, AZ

Different Feet Types Explained in Flagstaff, AZ Many people don’t realize that the structure of the foot varies from person to person! There are many different foot types, from a moderate arch to flat-footed, to high arched. Each foot type requires appropriate shoes...

Advice for Children’s Foot Pain in Flagstaff, AZ

Advice for Children’s Foot Pain in Flagstaff, AZ Foot pain in children is very common and can be easily diagnosed and treated by our podiatrist. Since kids are active and are often involved in sports, they are susceptible to injury. Our podiatrist explains what...

What Causes Bunions in Flagstaff, AZ?

What Causes Bunions in Flagstaff, AZ? Bunions are painful, bony bumps that form on the joints of your feet. They usually occur on the joint next to the big toe or on the joint next to the pinky toe. Bunions are caused by your big toe pressing against the adjacent toe,...

Plantar Fasciitis Explained in Flagstaff, AZ

Plantar Fasciitis Explained in Flagstaff, AZ You wake up one morning, step out of bed and suddenly, there’s a stabbing pain along the bottom of your foot up to your heel! What could this be caused by? Most likely, this is a symptom of plantar fasciitis. Our podiatrist...